Subscription – always available and updated

A subscription provides an easy online access to standards, and you are guaranteed to always have the latest edition.

The benefits of a subscription:

  • Always access to your standards and products through our website
  • Always updated editions
  • Value for money for multiple users
  • Searchable PDFs

Get started with a subscription today

Always access to your standards and products

With a subscription, you always have access to your standards and products via your own pages in our webshop.

Always updated

With a subscription you will always have the latest and newest editions of the standards and products you subscribe to. You do not need to buy new standards when new editions are published, they will automatically be added to your subscription.


The price is based on a combination of the number users that can access the service, and the number of licensed products included in the Service. A subscription has an annual subscription fee.

Duration of the subscription

A new subscription has a minimum duration of 3 years. At the end of the third year the subscription is automatically renewed each year if not cancelled within 31 October the year before.

Supplementary services

By ordering one or more of our supplementary services, you can customize your subscription even better to your own needs:

  • Offline Solution
  • Enhanced access to standards content


Contact us today and we will help you get started with a subscription.

Login to your subscription

If you are already a subscriber, you can log in and click on the arrow next to your name in the top bar. Here you will find links to "My products" and "Account".

ATTENTION! When logging in for the first time on our new website from May 2023, you must first log in on our old website and then follow the link from your subscription page back to the new website to access your subscription here.